Thursday, February 28, 2008

Week 4: Holy Spirit

This week lectures are on the Holy Spirit. Our speaker was Jessie Padgett, who is from Langly, BC and used to be part of the Vineyard church there. He was a great speaker, full of life and deffinetly full of the holy spirit. Here are the key points that I found:

-there is only one manifesting presence of God on earth and that is the holy spirit

Speak to the treasure and it will rise up and bless you. Speak to the flesh and it will rise up and bite you.”
-lowest form of discernment is sin, speaking to the flesh
-when the see the absolute good and pleasure in something, you are speaking to the treasure

God created each one of us so we were like him, full of creativity and able to look for solutions. He put fingerprints on each of us (Romans 1:18) which is the truth. It can be found in every person, it just needs to be woken up.


-not I believe, so I behave and then I belong.

-your behaviour is irrelevant to the salvation process. Behaviour only becomes important after salvation to help you mature

-We need to believe in God's ability, not our own. Walk in the way of the holy spirit

We are designed to leak.
-we are streams of living water and are to go through a cycle of emptying and filling
-always be after the presence of the holy spirit, the pursuit of the holy spirit should be #!
-designed to leak so that God can be strong

The holy spirit worked through many of us this week, beginning healing processes for many and providing confirmation and affirmation. It was a bit difficult for me to get a grasp of people manifesting in the holy spirit. It often involves people speaking in tongues, collapsing to the floor, uncontrollable movements, screaming and laughter. I have never seen this before. Please pray for continued understanding of the holy spirit in my life.

Other highlights of the week:

  • I did my STOP@5 this week! I spoke on how God is omnipresent. (I will post my speech as another post.) I was really nervous at first, but once I got started I was fine. It went really well and I got some good evaluations. Praise God that it is over!

  • I went snowboarding for my first time ever this weekend! It was soooo much fun! I did fall lots, but surprising didn't hurt too much the next day. I went with Stephanie and Rachel (Stephanie is a teacher up at the mountain and Rachel had been a few times in Washington.) I was so nice to actually board on a real mountain. The runs are really long, it took about 10-15mins. to get down to the bottom and LOTS of powder. I will go a few more times while I'm here. (The pics at the top of this blog are of the amount of snow up on the mountailn) Here is the website for the mountain in case you want to check it out:

  • We drove to Seattle, Washington on Sunday for mini-outreach. It is about a 10-12 hour drive. More on this in the next blog!

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